Coming right out of college after only previously working three-month long internships and work-studies, starting a full-time job was both exciting and intimidating. I prepared myself to drive to my new job – though I had come and toured the building before for the onsite interview, now was the real thing.
The First Day
I arrived a few minutes early and remembered three other people would be starting that day. As I waited, I chatted with Joy at the front desk and was soon joined by three new coworkers also starting their first jobs out of college. Once the formalities and introductions were made we joined a company-wide breakfast and were able to begin meeting many of the people we would be working with.

Expanding Knowledge
Since my first day, there has been a lot to learn that I didn’t get to experience while in school. Many people have taken part in catching me up with the many details of engineering work. I’ve learned about different guidelines and protocols used for quality and security measures, other equipment to assist in analyzing and debugging hardware, and, my favorite, the hierarchy and layers of Bluetooth® and Bluetooth Low Energy® (BLE) development. One of the most exciting parts of this job is knowing how much more I will get to learn on the many projects to come.
I can remember when I first called and talked with one of our local Bluetooth® technology experts, Starbuck. As he was explaining how Bluetooth® protocols have been used in projects previously, he directed me to the official Bluetooth® site to sign up for an account through Indesign. This would allow me access to a plethora of detailed documents to learn from and reference later. Learning that Indesign was a member of the Bluetooth® SIG was exciting itself; then learning that BLE 6 will be implementing audio profiles was even more exciting. I knew that audio presented challenges originally because good audio contains a lot of data. The ability to use BLE 6 for audio applications opens up new avenues for development.
And this is only one technology with exciting prospects in sight. I know in the future I’ll likely get exposure to audio processing, implementing boot loaders, or having more fun (and challenges) with fuel gauges.

Indesign’s Focus On People
While learning is a big part of being an engineer that I love, I think it’s really special that Indesign focuses on the people: the clients and the employees. There are multiple steps to make sure everything that the client wants and envisions is written down so that it can be executed correctly. And for the employees, from engineers to project managers, there is a focus on both teamwork and individual growth. In my first two months we had an outing and a cookout, not to mention the many lunches provided to come together to learn and grow. The coaches work together to put people on projects where they will learn what they want to learn and apply the skills they have already sharpened. It makes me all the more excited to see what else I will learn in the coming projects.
I am a new-hire at a new company, and I’m already loving it: the people are supportive, the projects are interesting, the clients are cool, and there’s so much to learn. It’s fun seeing what new technology is coming out and what the new “thing” could be that I can gush with excitement about as I learn how to integrate it into a new project. With that, I am off to read more about new Bluetooth services in development. To contact Indesign, LLC call (877) 561-0274!
C. Katarina Chan