Indesign, LLC Awarded as #1 Top Workplace for Small Businesses

May 9, 2024 | Awards
Indianapolis, IN, May 9, 2024 - Indesign, LLC has been awarded the #1 Top Workplace for small businesses by Indianapolis Star Top Workplaces. This was Indesign’s 14th year in a row to have made the Top Workplace list, and is the second time to be ranked as number 1 in the Small Company category. Indesign was also recognized with the “Appreciation Award” in the Special Award category for having the most employees in agreement with the statement, “I feel genuinely appreciated at this company.” Indesign is also honored to have been named as one of the Best Places to Work in Indiana, for the 15th year in a row. In 2024, there was a record 193 Indiana businesses honored from over 40 different Indiana cities and towns. Jenessa Denniston, Indesign HR Generalist, had this to say when asked about these awards: “Earning these awards is a true honor, and to have won each consistently for over a decade reflects Indesign’s resiliency and dedication to the well-being of its team. The past few years have brought incredible change to the workforce landscape, and our leadership continues to be approachable, to thoughtfully listen to our team, and to intentionally adapt.” Each survey is based on employee feedback and seeks to identify, recognize, and honor leading workplaces across Indiana. Indesign, LLC extends its congratulations to all the 2024 Top Workplaces and Best Places to Work recipients. Great things are happening in our Indiana workplaces.
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Welcoming New Hires with “The King”

December 6, 2023 | Blog
A key member of our welcoming committee for new hires is Elvis, “The King” himself. Whether it’s the framed picture of Elvis or the larger, cardboard cut-out, one of the two is typically placed at the desk of each new hire to help set them at ease and say aloha. (more…)
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An Internship at Indesign

September 29, 2023 | Blog
Over the past eight months, I’ve embarked on an incredible journey of growth and learning as a Test Engineering Intern at Indesign. This experience has been nothing short of transformative, teaching me valuable lessons about perseverance, teamwork, and communication. (more…)
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Indesign’s Summer Picnic 2023

August 31, 2023 | Blog
Early this morning, my office was a picnic shelter at Fort Harrison State Park. I booted up my work computer as I waited for some deliveries for our summer picnic. I admit, it was refreshing to see rolling hills and green landscape over the top of my laptop, and the view must have sparked some more reflective thoughts than normal. (more…)
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Indesign’s 26th Anniversary

February 28, 2023 | Blog
The Indesign, LLC team gathered in February to celebrate and raise a toast to 26 years of engineering excellence. In a shimmering conference room, under a ceiling of draped balloons, we enjoyed lunch together, some games, many laughs, gifts, and a recap of the year. (more…)
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Thanksgiving and Community

November 22, 2022 | Blog
One of the lesser-known facts about Indesign, LLC is that within our team, we have many wonderful cooks. They won’t ever say so, but when given the mission to team up and create the year’s best lunch for Thanksgiving, our employees understand the mission and have never missed the target. It seems the Indesign drive for excellence spans beyond the borders of engineering. (more…)
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Fall Festival 2022

October 31, 2022 | Blog
A tradition that goes back to the beginning years of Indesign, LLC is the annual Fall Festival. An event created to include Indesign families, the Fall Festival gives us a glimpse at the other hats that Indesigners wear. For an afternoon, within the Indesign walls, our team gets the opportunity to pause and set down their work “hats”. Some put on the proud parent "hat" as they walk through with their little unicorns, superheroes, and princesses. If we’re being honest, they probably chase more so than walk. (more…)
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Company Picnic 2022

September 28, 2022 | Blog
It may be true the only constant in life is change, but I think there’s one more constant we can add to the list. A picnic on a sunny summer day is always a good thing! The Indesign, LLC team did just that on a warm August day with blue skies and a slight breeze. We rented a pavilion at Fort Harrison State Park, ordered Chick-Fil-A, served ice cream, laid out several yard games (and decks of cards for those who prefer shade), and had a picnic. (more…)
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What’s in a Name? 25 Years of “Indesign”

February 28, 2022 | Blog
A little over 25 years ago, teams of people were planning to launch a new company. The code name for the new company was Phoenix as the teams were working for the consumer products division of AT&T Bell Labs/Lucent and those jobs were set to move from Indianapolis to New Jersey. Employment changes were required by all. A small group of people decided to stay in Indy and form an engineering design services company. Drafts of business plans had been written, and plans were being made for staffing, facilities, IT, and finance. Now it was time to come up with a “real” name for this enterprise. A name that could be put on the self-printed business cards and brochures. As with all activities for this fledgling company, then and now, we were all asked to be creative and submit ideas for the name of the new company. How We Started I remember thinking about possible company names on my drive home that day. Within the Bell Labs community, we were referred to as the Indianapolis Laboratories or “Indy Labs”. I was thinking of possible company names that would incorporate that part of our shared past. I really liked “INgineering”, but it looked funny, and I didn’t think the engineering team would allow it. I sat at my Mac and started typing in different variations and finally hit on “IND”, the airport abbreviation for Indianapolis, and “Design”. Removing a duplicate D left INDesign. That seemed to work! I then went through all the fonts I had installed on my trusty Mac on this new combo word. I really liked the look of INDesign in a handwriting font I had recently downloaded. To me, in that font, the logo looked like something new, something just created and exciting. The logo had to be red for the same reason that Ferraris and roses are red. Red means passion and energy, and there sure was a lot of that with this group! The next evening, team members submitted their ideas for names and logos, and there were many good ones. A series of votes were taken, with INDesign emerging as the selection. The tag line “Innovative Design of Products and Systems” was added to the logo. It was a thrill to see the logo on our first building on Caito Drive and on our first website. Where We Are Now A few years after our start, a “real” professional logo was created. The spelling was changed to Indesign with the “In” remaining red, and the silly “new company” handwriting font was replaced with one better representing an established company. “Innovative Design” was replaced with “Engineering Excellence” and our logo has stayed that way ever since. Obviously, the company would have been successful no matter what name was chosen. Shakespeare addressed that point a couple of centuries ago. Now 25 years later, Indesign has clients all over the world, and the staff has more than doubled in size. Indesign is a brand that represents the integrity and efforts of all the people that have worked here, and I’m very proud to be one of them. Contact Us With over 25 years of experience, Indesign, LLC, has developed a proven product development process for a variety of markets, beginning with product concept development and ending with design for manufacturing. If you are interested in learning more about our engineering and design services, contact us today at (317) 377-5450!
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