Indesign, LLC Celebrates Its 20 Year Anniversary
Indesign, LLC, an Indianapolis-based engineering design firm, celebrated its 20th year in business this month. The company was originally established in February 1997 by a group of former AT&T/Bell Labs engineers.
Since its start in 1997, Indesign has grown to 72 employees, including hardware engineers, software engineers, mechanical engineers, and test engineers. Indesign develops high-tech products for the medical, consumer, military, and industrial sectors.
“Technology has changed dramatically in the past 20 years since our formation,” said Jerry Gotway, President-CEO of Indesign. “Today we are designing many wireless products, as well as software intensive products with Linux and Android operating systems. What hasn’t changed since our formation has been the quality of our engineering team.”
During the past 20 years Indesign has worked for more than 200 clients ranging from start-up companies to Fortune 100 companies. To learn more about the history and accomplishments of Indesign, visit Indesign’s website at