A tradition that goes back to the beginning years of Indesign, LLC is the annual Fall Festival. An event created to include Indesign families, the Fall Festival gives us a glimpse at the other hats that Indesigners wear. For an afternoon, within the Indesign walls, our team gets the opportunity to pause and set down their work “hats”. Some put on the proud parent “hat” as they walk through with their little unicorns, superheroes, and princesses. If we’re being honest, they probably chase more so than walk.

Trick or Treat

Families and friends get a safe, climate-controlled environment to walk through and collect treats. Buckets of chocolate and goodies are in each cubicle, often padded with a surplus because we know the adults coming through are going to want/need a treat themselves.

Of the 15 of our founders who are still on the Indesign team, some now have grandbabies to bring through. The little ones that they chased down the Indesign halls 25 years ago are now grown and are the chasers!

Fun For Everyone

There’s fun for all ages, no matter the hats Indesigners wear in life. There’s a pumpkin-carving contest, food and snacks, fun decorations, and a costume contest. One of our engineers bought full-size candy bars and then kept a trusty tally of how many came and what they selected. The fun is indeed in the details!

The Tradition Continues

When the event had to pause due to the pandemic in 2020, a drive-through version was created and even some of the Indesign pups were able to come through for a treat. Families missed coming in person, however, and it was wonderful to welcome everyone through our doors again this year. The Fall Festival is a beloved tradition and we look forward to 2023!

Contact Us

At Indesign, LLC, our fun-loving team has the expertise, experience, and passion for engineering and design services. We’ve helped a variety of markets design and develop embedded electronic products for over 20 years. Our product development process ensures that we deliver high-quality projects on schedule and on budget. If you are interested in learning more about our engineering & design services, contact us today at (317) 377-5450!

Jenessa Denniston

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